The North West Imaging Academy has four satellite teaching hubs across the North West, each containing a state-of-art iMac suite. The hubs are located at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, East Lancs Teaching Hospital, The Christie and Edge Hill University.
Central Room Bookings
If you wish to book any of these venues for teaching, please complete the Room Booking form via the ‘Book Here’ buttons below.
The Alder Hey iMac suite has 15 networked iMacs, connections for your personal laptop and multiple projection screens.
For more information please see the Alder Hey webpage:
Alder Hey
The East Lancs iMac suite has 1 Tutor iMac & 18 Trainee iMacs, as well as a Samsung Flip Interactive Board.
For more information please see the East Lancs webpage:
East Lancs
The Christie iMac suite has 1 Tutor iMac and 15 Trainee iMacs, an interactive whiteboard and multiple projection screens.
For more information, please visit The Christie webpage:
The Christie